Twitter and others @imprintplus omg the internet … @imprintplus omg the internet connection is so slow. do something Company!adminMarch 25, 2009
Twitter and others listening to Que Tengo Que Hac… listening to Que Tengo Que Hacer again :DadminMarch 24, 2009
Twitter and others Actually I like Opera-the web … Actually I like Opera-the web browser -and its add-ons.adminMarch 24, 2009
Twitter and others If you can survive for 5 yrs b… If you can survive for 5 yrs by yourself then immigrate here, things getting better…adminMarch 24, 2009
Twitter and others @xyzulu for the designers thos… @xyzulu for the designers those programming stuff are really hard to figure out. It was…adminMarch 23, 2009
Twitter and others : on… : online Joomla! Template builder (beta)adminMarch 22, 2009
Twitter and others WTF how am I supposed to know … WTF how am I supposed to know F*** positions in Joomla! templates. So not end…adminMarch 22, 2009
Twitter and others Daddy Yankee “Que tengo que … Daddy Yankee “Que tengo que hacer” 21, 2009
Twitter and others RT @mashable Happy Birthday Tw… RT @mashable Happy Birthday Twitter (via @tweetmeme)adminMarch 21, 2009
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