Twitter and others u know what? my body temp. is … u know what? my body temp. is lower than u guys. i got 35' c.adminMay 29, 2009
Twitter and others hehe funny: Kim Jong-il Has Mo… hehe funny: Kim Jong-il Has More Twitter Followers than You: 29, 2009
Twitter and others @Daniel_Ellis thanks, I also w… @Daniel_Ellis thanks, I also want to get a MBP.adminMay 28, 2009
Twitter and others Hulu is so not for Canada. no … Hulu is so not for Canada. no interesting :(adminMay 28, 2009
Twitter and others want to have – Nikon D5000 and… want to have - Nikon D5000 and MacBook Pro NowadminMay 28, 2009
Twitter and others should i grab a macbook pro or… should i grab a macbook pro or a hacintosh?adminMay 27, 2009
Twitter and others is twitter getting slower or i… is twitter getting slower or it's our connection again?adminMay 27, 2009
Twitter and others HOHOHO I got my extended Healt… HOHOHO I got my extended Health Care InsuranceadminMay 27, 2009
Twitter and others type this on Google: client se… type this on Google: client server databaseadminMay 26, 2009
Twitter and others beautiful! Susan Boyle – Memor… beautiful! Susan Boyle - Memory from Cats - Britains Got Talent 2009 Semi Final Show…adminMay 25, 2009
Twitter and others @redfoster thanks for followin… @redfoster thanks for following me.adminMay 25, 2009
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