Twitter and others @yoonosupport i just went to t… @yoonosupport i just went to tiwtter and typed in the box. i'm typing this in…adminJune 2, 2009
Twitter and others I just reached level 8. #spyma… I just reached level 8. #spymaster 1, 2009
Twitter and others then i need to revise some bro… then i need to revise some brochure + flyer. garrradminJune 1, 2009
Twitter and others What are you doing? going to S… What are you doing? going to Shell - the gas station!!-adminJune 1, 2009
Twitter and others i miss San Franco & San Diego … i miss San Franco & San Diego too.adminJune 1, 2009
Twitter and others @yoonosupport cont. stops like… @yoonosupport cont. stops like rly short moments. (like flicking)adminJune 1, 2009
Twitter and others @yoonosupport and when yoono s… @yoonosupport and when yoono sidebar is updating status while i'm watching Youtube, the browser stopsadminJune 1, 2009
Twitter and others @yoonosupport I think it’s a b… @yoonosupport I think it's a bug, sometimes when i copy& paste 4 URLs, it deletes…adminJune 1, 2009
Twitter and others I just reached level 7. #spyma… I just reached level 7. #spymaster 1, 2009
Twitter and others @irdesigning thanks for being … @irdesigning thanks for being my 500th follower, i like Sacramento!adminJune 1, 2009
Twitter and others current @Yoono side bar is wor… current @Yoono side bar is worse than the previous one. hmmadminJune 1, 2009
Twitter and others party people~! i like this clu… party people~! i like this club website 1, 2009
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