Twitter and others @jiwoons is this guy(teddyrise… @jiwoons is this guy(teddyrised) ur twin bro? u must check him.adminFebruary 4, 2010
Twitter and others @jiwoons sometimes, i dont see… @jiwoons sometimes, i dont see any korean like ->: @billyforce 한달뒤에 아이패드도 사겠네? ㅎㅎ 근데…adminFebruary 3, 2010
Twitter and others Granville street has been chan… Granville street has been changed like this: 29, 2010
Twitter and others Super big samsung phone@ pacif… Super big samsung phone@ pacific centre 29, 2010
Twitter and others #Apple #iPad I was expecting a… #Apple #iPad I was expecting a tablet device that I could run Mac OS and…adminJanuary 27, 2010
Twitter and others i would say iPad is a fail. li… i would say iPad is a fail. like Newton.adminJanuary 27, 2010
Twitter and others RT @mashable Apple iPad Starts… RT @mashable Apple iPad Starts at $499 27, 2010
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