Many people look at fashion and say that magazines and celebrities start trends in the fashion industry. That may be true but did you know that you can set your own fashion trend. If people like it well enough and see it often enough they may start copying it for a look for them selves thus creating a fashion trend. A fashion trend is copying the look of some one else and more and more people copying the same look so they can look like that person. In writing copying is not okay, but in the fashion industry it is considered to be a good thing because the more people you have that want to look like you the more people will be your line of designs or your line of clothing if you have it placed in a retail store.
In fashion there are other ways at looking at trends. Another way of looking at trends is through celebrities. Trends tend to come and go because of what you might see a celebrity wear to the SAG Awards or to another award show. Singers also tend to set fashion trends when they go to the video music awards or country music awards. There are a lot fashion trends set by singers, celebrities, movies, video songs, and others in the television industry. You would be surprised at how many people buy clothes to dress like a certain person that they look up to. Also, they decide who to follow and what trends to follow. You always want to look good because you want to have a good example for the people who follow you.
The fashion world is tough because you have jobs in the fashion world that depend on you to do your job as a model or designer and if you do not produce clothes to set every thing in place for the trends to occur and happen then you don’t have a trend. In fashion every thing is different from one day to the next and it can change in the blink of an eye. You can have some thing be hip two minutes ago and in the fashion world be out of hip the minute it was in hip. It just depends on who is wearing and how long the fashion is seen as cool by most of the general population.
People like Jennifer Anniston and Tyra Banks both have influences in fashion. One does in acting and the other does in modeling. This goes to show you that you can have a career in the fashion world and influence a different part of society. It also shows how others influence fashion and the different ways that trends are set where they may not be set before. Tyra has had fashion models looking up to her and people in general that want to be her. She makes billions in profits each year and is considered not just a model but one of the first super models of the run way. This woman created a path for many black women and many women in general.
In conclusion, many people look at fashion and just think a super model for Victoria Secret and that being a model is easy work when in all reality it is very hard work for every one involved. The fashion designer has to be in touch with people that want to sale her line. The photographer really has to know people to take pictures of and the magazines just tend to follow where ever the story takes them. So where ever you may be in fashion you still have to know your stuff to keep up with the latest trends.
Bob has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in fashion and fashion trends, you can also check out his latest website about:
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Author: Robert W Mccormack
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I often watch the Tyra Banks show late in the afternoon. Great show and great host.“.
Tyra is a great tv show host and i love watching her TV show, i learn a lot from her show*.*
i have seen Tyra banks just last week and she is indeed a very tall lady:'”